The Shame-Free Tribe

Aborting the child was inevitable. What would people have said? 

Lying was the only option. I can’t be seen as the bad one.

Keeping malice with her was better. Better than venting my anger. 

We loved each other so much. Having sex with him was no big deal.

Prostituting was better than robbery. I needed the money.

Cheating was necessary. I would have failed the exam.

Masturbation wasn’t so bad. At least I wasn’t fornicating.

My parents deserved my disobedience. They need to learn to respect me too.

Being rude to my subordinates is normal. They need to be put in their place.

Thinking of evil occurrences were normal. I can’t control my thoughts after all.


I’ve been there, done that and I can tell that all those excuses were valid… but not anymore. Every of that situation should explain your past, which is now gone and forgotten! Because that is exactly how Jesus sees you now. 

The Scriptures say you have been made blameless. Colossians 1:22 (NKJV) “In the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight”. Should you now be ashamed of your past sins when you have been made guiltless? That will be an error, tantamount to self-condemnation.

I don’t care the extent of your physical, mental or spiritual damage, all I care about is your willingness for a change. Why? All your excuses were born out of a suffering, one without tangible rewards. I need you to translate them to another kind of suffering, the one described by Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 4:16. “Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter”. This kind of suffering is unto glory and you cannot afford to miss out on it. 

I believe you are willing and I will also love to be a part of your journey every step of the way. Do well to send me a direct mail here requesting a ticket for enrollment into The Shame-free tribe – a tribe that shamelessly expresses the heart and will of the Father per time. I await you.



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