I missed my devotions today and I’ve been missing them for quite some time now. Oh yes, I know I am not supposed to miss what Donna Partow calls “the daily TAG – Time Alone with God”. I also know I should put God first and start my day with Him, every day, but I don’t keep up; man, I just can’t keep up!
It’s not my fault in any way, I have a job to attend to, relationships to maintain, examinations to pass, a standard to meet and a legacy to protect. Every part of my world seems to want a bit of me; they say to whom much is given, much is expected. Saving that TAG time is one way I’ve been able to achieve quite a number of things in life. After all, God is understanding enough to share His time with other things in my daily life like a ride to the office, my lunch break, or my toilet time.
Hold on, let me count some achievements for you… a great job with good pay, a growing career, and many more. Awesome right? Maybe I should also tell you what helped me achieve them all – dedication, consistency, intelligence and adequate knowledge. There’s definitely more and I’m sure you also know a number of them too, if not all.
Let’s take a look at them again… Wait! They seem more like blessings, not achievements. I really would never have accessed those without the breath of life and the mercies of God. The world just wants what God has blessed me with. How then do I keep receiving these blessings without spending time or fellowshipping with the giver of them? Never again should I miss a time to spend with this awesome God.
Amazingly, God wants to be first because that’s His place.
Matthew 6:33 says “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you”
Make up your mind to spend the first thirty minutes of your day with God. See it as an important business meeting, choose the best location, timing, and dressing for the meeting. Decorate the meeting place to be as appealing as possible to you and your Heavenly Guest.
Finally, if you miss it today, don’t shy away, go back there!